Press Coverage

Meet Team Roadrunner

This is the other team from the University of New Mexico. I mistakenly thought that one of their team members was going to make history by being the first competitor to compete for two different schools – but I was wrong, oh well, it happens. But back to the Roadrunners – this is an impressive…
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2024: NASA Ames Mentor Interview

The folks at NASA Ames once again did a bang-up job as a mentor for the 2024 Winter Classic. This is the third time they’ve fulfilled this vital function, and their challenges keep getting better and better. In their first challenge, in 2022, they had the teams work with the NAS Parallel benchmarks, learning to…
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2024: The Return of Team Fayetteville

Hailing from Fayetteville, NC, Fayetteville State University stayed under the radar in their first Winter Classic competition in 2022. Solid students for sure, but not a lot of HPC experience. All good. They didn’t field a team in 2023, taking a break, assumedly for re-building. But this year, Fayetteville is back with a in a…
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HPE Mentor Interview

The latest installment of the 2024 Winter Classic Studio Update Show features our interview with the HPE mentor team who introduced our student teams to the joys (and potential sorrows) of the HPL (LINPACK) and accompanying HPCG benchmarks. (To refresh your memory on the HPL/HPCG results, click here.) This is the third year that HPE…
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2024 Winter Classic: We’re Back!

The fourth edition of the Winter Classic Invitational Student Cluster Competition is up and running. This year, we have 11 teams of eager students representing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). They are vying to turn in the best performance numbers on a suite of six real-world HPC-AI benchmarks and…
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Oak Ridge Mentor Interview

We interviewed the mentors from Oak Ridge National Lab and learned all about their machine learning challenge. They spoke to the task and how well the students coped with it (pretty well, as it turns out), plus discussed other outreach activities they’ll be driving in the near future.
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HPC Pop Quiz Roils Cluster Comp Leaderboard

Results from the HPC Pop Quiz module in the 2022 Winter Classic cluster competition had a radical impact on the leaderboard. Quiz grades rocketed a couple of teams up the big board while others went in the opposite direction. The 20 question exam featured multiple choice questions covering HPC history, technology, and current events. Students…
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HPE Mentors 2022 Winter Classic Field

As part of our continuing coverage of the 2022 Winter Classic Student Cluster Competition, we want to shine a light on the first mentor organization in the competition. Hewlett Packard Enterprise really stepped up to the plate by teaching the twelve student teams how to use a HPE/Cray cluster plus how to run and optimize…
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Episode 3: LINPACK and HPCG Scores are IN!!!

The first results are in! Student teams turned in their HPL (LINPACK) and HPCG benchmark results and we got ’em. Twelve student teams spent last week under the tutelage of HPE learning about HPC and how to run (then optimize) HPL and HPCG. The results were outstanding. Nearly all the teams completed the task and…
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Episode 2: Winter Classic 2022, Who’s In?

In this edition of the wildly popular “2022 Winter Classic Studio Update Show”, Addison and Dan reveal the TWELVE teams who are competing in this year’s Winter Classic student cluster competition. This competition is particularly notable because it exclusively features teams from Historically Black Universities (HBUs) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs). The competition has expanded…
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